Future Forecast: 2022-2028

Background: The 2022-2028 forecast, as with all writings in the online log, postings are the result of observations of information provided to the public via the news media, government, and public organizations. Observations are not intended to provide opinions. Further information on the research process can be found by selecting the “research category” in the online log.

References provide a view of changing dynamics over decades and centuries. Current decision-makers rely on available information and must apply their knowledge (experience) and wisdom to possible cause and effect of their actions. Decisions made at one point in time may cause unintended consequences decades later.

Not included in the following is the law and order, and outstanding security issues occurring at this time. A new posting on the subjects will be forthcoming.

Consult the IntelRag Online Log posting Future Forecast Background for 2022-2028, and the IntelRag Blog posting War and Terrorism for detailed information regarding items selected for listing below. References contain significant additional information not listed here. Links open a new page.

See Notes at the end of the posting for additional insight.

Currently there are no efforts underway to correct the following issues. They are expected to continue in the future.

  • Prosecutors are failing to protect the community by operating the legal system as a turnstile at a train station . . . in and out to commit more criminal acts at will.
  • Throwing the election system out the window saying it is prejudice when it requires personal identification.
  • Opening the border to allow free movement of drugs which are destroying communities and leading to higher levels of crime.
  • Turning the United States into a market satellite of Communist China.
  • Economic science failure. The assumption that least cost results in the best decision is an error in logic. Does not take into consideration the cost of lost jobs, factories, degraded infrastructure and more, as a result of unbalanced trade.
  • The accumulated trade deficit from imports for the period of 1992-2021 exceeds $17 trillion dollars.
  • Funding for war and terrorism activities pursued by the Peoples Republic of China (PRC), Russia, and Islamic States are primarily acquired by trade deficits, illegal activities in drugs, human trafficking and slave labor. Theft of trade secrets of the U.S. via digital communications and within domestic industry and academic organizations.
  • Budget outlays exceed tax and fee revenues by $2 trillion a year and are increasing at an increasing rate.
  • The Department of Defense indicates the U.S. Military may be degraded and undermanned and cannot effectively support a worldwide posture.
  • The education system does not provide well educated graduates. The U.S. is rated in (30th) place worldwide in math, science, and the social sciences. China ranks in first (1st) place.
  • Socialist approach to Critical Race Theory (CRT) in schools is counter to equality.
  • Parents concerns that the U.S. government controls parents and students is a reversion to a totalitarian state where children belong to the state.
  • U.S. education, research, and technology organizations depend on graduates from self-declared enemy countries above. Reason for this appears to be the structure of education systems outside the U.S. with a focus on math and science.
  • On average U.S. schools and colleges are not as intensive, and overall educators are not as qualified. Educators in many competitive countries continually upgrade competencies by advancing to higher levels of instruction throughout their careers.
  • U.S. corporations depend on graduates from foreign adversaries for senior management positions.
  • Employment in manufacturing, nondurable and durable goods has diminished significantly since 1979.
  • U.S. Merchant Fleet has dropped from 16.9% of the World Fleet to .4% since 1965.


(1). Decades of auditing aerospace organizations and systems, and university programs and facilities, the attitude of superiority and denial are frequently impingements to achieving excellent results or correcting issues.

(2). Frequently external reviews of teacher performance, programs and procedures identify issues for correction. Satisfactory correction is frequently impeded by faculty and unions.

Future Forecast Background: 2022-2028

Forward: Future Forecast for the period of 2022-2028 will include outcomes of this review and update of parts of the 2017-2021 SOTU.

This includes observing actions of government, business, education, and international relationships over the past fifty (50) years. Additions to the review are Status of the U.S. Economy, International Cyber Security, and the Summary on War and Terrorism.

Section I: Arrogant ignorance is reflected by national, state and city governments. Moving forward, this period is heavily influenced by malfeasance by public officials. Daily, public media reports are published consisting of deceit, deception, duplicity, lying, fraud and more.

Observation and data identified and linked-to in this review indicate the coming period of history from 2022-2028 is on a fast-track to national hazards and international conflict on a major scale.

The record is clear. The following situation could only be wished for by the Mafia. It’s as if the old Chicago Mob of the last century is running the country.

Question: “Does Communist influence exist in the United States Government?”

Observations: Frequently, actions and statements by the administration and members of congress appear to be misleading. What is said, is not what is done. There seems to be a form of intellectual subversion extended in the media, attempting to evade a true understanding by the general public and voter.

The result of deviating from solid principles of the past, provide activists the ability to express deviant behavior. However, as the saying goes, “be careful what you ask for, you may get it” and it will not be what was expected.

The current administration and congress have failed to protect the country from invasion by a “Trojan Horse of Troy.” Wholesale infiltration by an army of aliens of military age.

Prosecutors are failing to protect the community by operating the legal system as a turnstile at a train station . . . in and out to commit more criminal acts at will, from minor to major. Ransacking stores, raiding railroad cars, carjacking, assault, bank robberies, and worse – with a get out of jail card upon arrest.

Throwing the election system out the window saying it is prejudice when it requires personal identification. Who doesn’t have identification? Where is the person without a job, or collecting welfare, either of which require personal identification?

Opening the border to allow free movement of drugs which are destroying communities and leading to higher levels of crime.

Washington is turning the United States into a satellite of Communist China.

Reference: Socialist politicians function as Communists inside the government, serving without suspicion, that their actions are equivalent to that of communist spies, believers, and sympathizers. They influence decisions and actions by business, government and education in favor of communist governments.

History of the preceding century is important in identifying significant patterns of activity which influence the decision-making process and establishing benchmarks for this forecast. The natural state of nature for nations, as recorded in history, is cyclical internal and external conflict, with the objective of survival and expansion. The frequency of cycles is influenced by advancements in science, movement, and communications technologies.


    1. This study in preparation for the 2022-2028 forecast is written to be informative for all readers. It is supported by references to media, research, and verifiable data references.
    1. Images and narratives in this posting reflect the underlying references. Links to the references will provide significant in-depth information with more accompanying images and tables, some interactive for exploration.
    1. It is customary for education, government, industry, and international perspectives to vary on interpretations of the data based on their interests.
    1. Readers should familiarize themselves with postings under the “research” category in conjunction with this forecast. It is important to remember that the content of the forecast is based on observations and data, not opinions.
    1. ALL LINKS open a separate page. CLOSE the newly opened page to return to this posting.

Section II: Economics is a failed science.

The quantity of every product or service that is made, shipped, sold, and serviced is forecast and controlled by economic predictions.

Economic science fails because the pursuit of least cost per unit of items produced does not consider the costs to society by their actions. The assumption that least cost results in the best decision is an error in logic. Economic decisions to purchase where costs are lowest does not take into consideration the cost of lost jobs, factories, degraded infrastructure and more, as a result of unbalanced trade. The accumulated trade deficit from imports for the period of 1992-2021 exceeds 17 trillion dollars.

Failure to consider taxes in the form of personal and business taxes paid by employees and businesses for domestic production may lower import prices of goods and services. However, the cost to renew infrastructure, pay unemployment and all other benefits, requires borrowing and increasing the national debt. Current interest payments on the national debt exceeds the total cost of K-12 education for the entire nation.

Data Lab: USA Government Finance Guide. Visualizations to help you understand government finance. The Resource Menu Includes an Analyst’s Guide and Student Innovator’s Toolbox for instructors and students.

Tables and links to references demonstrate a declining abiltiy to remain self sustainable. Deficits appear to be programmed to remain at 2 Trillion annually, and possibly increase at an increasing rate.

Future Forecast: 2020

Background: The 2020 forecast, as with all writings in the online log are the result of observations of information provided to the public via the news media, government, and public organizations. Observations are not intended to provide opinions. Further information on the research process can be found by selecting the “research category” in the online log.

References linked-to in this forecast provide a view of changing dynamics over decades and centuries. Current decision-makers rely on available information and must apply their knowledge (experience) and wisdom to possible cause and effect of their actions. Decisions made at one point in time may cause unintended consequences decades later.

The forecast is limited to three areas of concern for national and international relations, and the summary. Areas of concern are:

1). Commerce, 2). Impeachment, 3). Negotiations, and 4). Summary.

Process: Passive nonparticipatory observation research based on horizon scanning.


1). Commerce

The national and international focus may be shifting from armed conflict to economic confrontation and cooperation trough bilateral free-trade agreements.

The United States balance of trade continues to accrue a net deficit of around $500 billion a year. Most of this debt is the result of previously unrestricted imports into the U.S. from China as a result of the most favored nation (MFN) status assigned. Trade deficits began escalating in 1998 and continue to this day with a total imbalance of over $9,000,000,000,000. Current trade negotiations with China appear to be an attempt to reverse and normalize trade relations. Additional trade agreements between the U.S. trading partners are ongoing.

A similar economic imbalance exists between the United Kingdom and the European Union (EU), resulting in Brexit. The UK government formally announced withdrawal from the European Economic Community (EEC).

Weapons of warfare, territorial disputes, and intimidation appear to be applied in negotiations to achieve or maintain economic status. Nations of the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), may be violating the principle of the agreement by developing and testing weapons through third party nations to support this effort, possibly North Korea and Iran.

Commerce Notes: Throughout history, nations with surplus wealth have turned to importing goods and services, including employing foreign military services as protectors and servants. In so doing, agents of importing and exporting nations develop profitable relationships facilitating trade. Eventually, wealthy importing nations become dependent on this arrangement for goods and services and experience a loss of wealth, worker skills, access to raw materials, national and international logistics capability for shipping, commerce, and communication. Essentially, importing nations become economic colonies of other nation(s) which are reluctant to give-up their advantage without conflict.

Internally, the result of unbalanced trade in importing nations may lead to the eventual fall of the government, as with Rome and the British Empire. Although the internal issues with Rome do not appear lockstep with current U.S. or UK scenarios, they are the gradual movement from independent economic strength to dependent weakness and increased taxation. “Give the people a circus,” socialism and downfall. 

The chief benefactor of current U.S. trade policy is Chinese economic reform. Originally, the U.S. moved to grant China MFN status to open-up markets and assist in creating a western style economy in China. However, the result has been for China to give preferential treatment to businesses owned or controlled by the Chinese government, thereby gradually eliminating private ownership and prosperity. Internationally, China continues to manipulate currency exchange to maintain and increase government wealth to expand in acquiring mineral resources worldwide, develop the military, and expand territorial claims, all fueled by globalization, a wrong turn in history.

2). Impeachment

The central and time-consuming issue for the U.S. is attempted impeachment of the president by congress. Observation indicates internal review by the Department of Justice (DOJ) may conclude mindless, unbalanced and corrupt activities by a combination of lawmakers and public servants who may be working in concert, effectively destabilizing and paralyzing the charged functions of lawmakers and public servants.

The Constitution and Guidelines for Impeachment

Interactive Constitution made by the National Constitution Center. Full Text

The Question: Is there factual supporting evidence of activity by the president, identified in the Constitution, requiring impeachment? Or, is there factual evidence of intent by lawmakers, government servants, foreign powers and/or outside influences to overthrow the government?

Treason: 18 USC Ch. 115: Treason, Sedition, and Subversive Activities. (expansive reference)

Treason as defined in Article III, section 3 of the constitution. “Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.” Treason in criminal law?

Overthrow: Removal from power; a defeat or downfall. “plotting the overthrow of the government.” (possibly through a series of interconnected events).

Synonyms of Treason: treachery · lese-majesty · disloyalty · betrayal · faithlessness · perfidy · perfidious · duplicity · infidelity · sedition · subversion · mutiny · rebellion · high treason·

Impeachment Notes: Impeachment is a seldom used  power of congress. Two presidents, one senator, the Secretary of War, and fifteen judges have been impeached since 1798. What remains to be experienced is the question “can congress be impeached, and by whom?” Many would respond to the question with, yes, at the ballot box. However, should issues addressed in the Inspector Generals (IG) Report bear fruit, and upcoming Department of Justice (DOJ) Report identify criminal activity, will it be treated as NOT political, but criminal? 

Do the synonyms of treason above apply to conduct of the House of Representatives during the recent impeachment process? Is it acceptable to say that the process was “just political?” Does the U.S. House of Representatives have immunity from the scales of justice, while then requiring the scales of justice apply in the U.S. Senate? It appears some believe so. 

3). Negotiations

On the national and international scene, at any given time, on any given issue, there will be visible and unseen participants with a stake in the outcome of a negotiation. Central issues in active negotiation at any time can be trade agreement with China, nuclear nonproliferation treaty, space exploration, immigration, conservation, healthcare, deficit spending, responsibilities of congress and many more.

Underlying negotiations are unseen participants at a support level or outside controlling authority, such as the world trade organization (WTO). Negotiations, in this sense, form a complex set of participants seen and unseen which can essentially hold the primary issue hostage from making progress and successful completion. (refer to the online log “research category” success with complex issues and systems). The concept of controlling global trade and attempted world government by the EU is depicted in Twitter streams hierarchy of EU participants that may also impact global negotiations.

Further compounding issues in negotiations may be “models of collective behavior” and “the madness of crowds” effect which have potential implications. The most common problem can be the combination of “undue influence” and collective behavior which may explain party-line voting in government. As an example, all members of the one party fall inline behind the speaker’s objectives regardless of the rationality of the issue. Such a move shifts the issue at hand to personal, non-legislative activity. Influence of this nature occurs in national and international negotiations in business, government, education and industry.

Negotiation Notes: Negotiations may be misdirected to provide personal gain from change of ownership of assets which are not the property of negotiators. Politicians may have authority to create trade agreements, however, may also set in motion detrimental outcomes for citizens, while at the same time realizing personal benefitsfor their actions.

The difficulty facing negotiators from an international perspective. even when the intent is genuine and above board, is the inability to predict long-term outcomes. (Henry Kissinger discuses U.S.-China ties at the New Economy Forum in Beijing. A history dialog with implications for the future. The content of the message is the lesson. Always view negotiations from the perspective of the other party, and today, from the interests of their counterparts). The coming cold war with China.

4.) Summary

2020 appears to be a year of continual sparring by political parties for position in congress and local government.

Deficit spending (borrowing money beyond tax and fee revenues) continues, currently around twenty-six trillion dollars . . . with no end insight for increased deficits. Moving towards socialism.

Governments are underwriting profitable businesses by deferring or eliminating taxes, and subsidizing other costs. Moving towards socialism.

Deficits, which are not allowed in many states, will require additional increases in taxation or deficit borrowing to cover expanded social programs. Moving towards socialism.

Candidates campaigning for elected positions are suggesting government pay for medical care and education for all. Moving towards socialism.

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are increasingly applied to reduce costs by replacing labor with automation. This has been forecast to temporary raise wages for high-tech computer programmers and information science employees. Forecast also leads to lower incomes for the same high-tech employees in the future as AI and ML routines are employed, reducing the demand for human programmers.

China is developing social reforms, competing technical skills, and an engineering base that exceeds that of the U.S.. Chinese new economy forum. Mostly financed by excessive exports to the U.S.

Observation Notes:

Comments on impeachment are not included in the summary at this time.

2020 may be a turbulent year for many reasons beyond the three areas of concern identified above:

Negotiations with North Korea, China and Iran have not proven to be reliable. Frequently, if not always, broken promises.

Financially, below zero interest rates exist in some global markets, and the stock market has become more of a hustle than an investment arena. Yes, the market has risen significantly and may be the result of hyping sweetheart stocks, while heavily shorting others . . . is it time for caution?

Always a work in progress.


Future Forecast: 2016

Background: It is presidential election time, and a wide range of highly qualified and experienced candidates are vying for the position. With this as the backdrop, campaign 2016 offers many controversial viewpoints for voters to debate before decision day and voting.

Call it the hot potato game, bread and butter, and a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma.

Why is this future forecast the “hot potato game?” Well, everywhere on every issue, people, groups, companies, and governments want to champion and own winning objectives. Each is trying to wrestle ownership from the other.

The bottom line is about having their bread buttered. What is buttered bread? It goes like this:

A person, group, company, or government starts with knowledge in some area which is their expertise . . . “bread.” For the perceived value of their bread, they receive money which is . . . “butter.” There you have it, bread and butter.

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Future Forecast: 2015

Background: Key issues the country is debating are in relation to the charges of government: national security, economics, and welfare of citizens. The issues at hand are identified in Future Forecast for 2014 and have made little progress towards resolution over the past year.

At the center of the stalemate in resolving issues are arguments, yes arguments in the public theater of the press, and the halls of congress, wherever there is a camera or microphone. The rational debate appears insufficient on the floor of the House of Representatives and the Senate. The arguments are over which branch of government is or is not fulfilling the obligations of their respective offices.

Continuing Forecasts:

In the New Rules Category:  U.S. Economy and International Trade is the root cause of most minority unrest in the streets and will continue. It is a failure of ethics to the point of being an “unethical fantasy.” How the congress of 1996-2000 could convince itself that it was more important to place the welfare of Chinese workers ahead of U.S. citizens is totally baffling. Unless it was related to campaign financing. Commission on China 2014 Annual Report.

The last update of 2014 takes into consideration the continuing imbalance in international trade with China of around $30 billion a month. The administration may remark about the $2 trillion in annual exports but ignores the delta . . . the lost opportunity costs.

That is another $720 billion trade deficit since 2012. The result, given roll-over in the economy is over $2 trillion more in lost GDP and $1 trillion more in lost tax revenue and fees. Bringing the total lost GDP over the period to $22 trillion and $11 trillion in lost tax revenue and fees as a result of discontinued domestic production.

It is highly likely that considering the cost of government-provided unemployment insurance, food stamps, and medical care alone when added to the cost of import goods, well exceed the cost of locally produced goods and services. Additional consideration should be given to the lost opportunities to learn and gain self-confidence.

Additional Forecast Items:

Given the serious nature of the trade issue, and the impact foreign goods and services have on national security, no other item will be addressed in this forecast.

The leadership of the nation has taken on a business graduate school mentality. That is, it has adopted the concept of disintermediation, a concept intended to reduce costs by eliminating steps in the process of manufacturing products and providing services.

However, rather than containing disintermediation within the sovereign territory of the U.S., it has been extended to foreign governments . . . placing the U.S. in a position of subordination to, and reliance on, the “ethics” of foreign powers.

In the case of China, it is responsible for the twenty-two trillion-dollar loss in potential GDP; eleven trillion-dollar loss in tax revenue and fees; and provided the funds to expand the Chinese military. That is to say, in an indirect way, the U.S. is threatening the security of the Pacific nations.

The U.S. has given up sovereignty of shipping and raw material markets to communist and socialist nations in the belief that somehow, this will benefit financially through reduced costs . . . which have increased costs via required government subsidies to an underemployed citizenry . . . and returned the U.S. to the definition of a colony . . . of China.

Check the labels on all merchandise in retail stores, supermarkets, and the origin of eighty percent of medicines. Not to mention the automotive and aircraft industries. Yes, some are good, however, becoming dependent on external sources is not.


1. Originally, disintermediation referred to banks giving up the concept of low-interest loans to customers . . . in favor of investing directly in the securities markets . . . for higher returns. Investing in securities is a speculative endeavor. The crash of 2008 consisted of “unethical transactions of a fantasy nature,” by using increasingly higher return rates on poor quality securities and off-the-books bets by market makers.

These bets were against the very securities they were underwriters on. This resulted in TARP and in the final analysis, the bad bets were passed to the citizens in the form of increased interest payments on the national debt.

2. Some will say addressing the trade issue will cause a trade war . . . currently, there is a trade war created by an inept U.S. congress of 1996-2000. And, it is destroying the nation.

For the benefit of citizens at large, a thumbnail description of “who is who” in the process of law-making and enforcement is listed below:

President of the United States of America (POTUS): The Executive Branch

The oath of office of the president of the United States. Before entering Office, the newly elected president will take the following Oath or Affirmation.

“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) Presidential Oath.  that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”

The power of the Executive Branch is vested in the President of the United States, who also acts as head of state and Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces. Under Article II of the Constitution, the President is responsible for the execution and enforcement of the laws created by Congress.

United States Congress: The Legislative Branch

Congressional Oath:

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me god.

Established by Article I of the Constitution, the Legislative Branch consists of the House of Representatives and the Senate, which together form the United States Congress. The Constitution grants Congress the sole authority to enact legislation and declare war, the right to confirm or reject many Presidential appointments, and substantial investigative powers.

The United States Armed Forces: The Department of Defense:

Armed Forces Oath: I, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.

The mission of the Department of Defense is to provide the military forces needed to deter war and to protect the security of our country. The department’s headquarters is at the Pentagon.

NOTE: In relation to the oaths listed above. There is

In relation to oaths listed above. There is a separation of church and state, however, the words “So help me God” in oaths is in relation to adherence to “ethical” behavior in the performance of charged duties, a quality that is expected without mentioning for a sitting president. Think of it as the ethics contained in the ten commandments . . . do unto others.


Normative ethics is distinct standards for the rightness and wrongness of actions, how one ought to act, morally speaking.

(Unethical: lacking moral principles; unwilling to adhere to proper rules of conduct; not in accord with the standards of a profession.)


Something that is produced by the imagination; an idea about doing something that is far removed from normal reality that tells a story about things that happen in an imaginary world.


A system of rules that are enforced through social institutions to govern behavior. Laws can be made by legislatures through legislation (resulting in statutes), the executive through decrees and regulations, or judges through binding precedent (normally in common law jurisdictions).

Private individuals can create legally binding contracts, including (in some jurisdictions) arbitration agreements that may elect to accept alternative arbitration to the normal court process.

The formation of laws themselves may be influenced by a constitution (written or unwritten) and the rights encoded therein. The law shapes politics, economics, and society in various ways and serves as a mediator of relations between people.

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Future Forecast: 2014

Usually there are observable activities that can be used as a basis for future forecasts. At this time, both nationally and internationally, activities indicate a continued state of flux between decisions to take future activity, something positive, to a state of retrenching. Notice there is no comment that any decision would be perceived as positive or negative. Moving forward or retrenching on current issues could both be positive or negative. The comment “much to do about nothing” seems to be the motto of Capitol Hill.

Nationally, interpretation of opposing sides regarding the State of the Union Address indicates the same issues of the economy, social security, national security, employment, immigration, healthcare, NSA spying both nationally and internationally, IRS actions, illegal drug trade, legalization of drugs, global warming, and political corruption remain undeterred. There is a stalemate between all branches of government over solutions. Government seems to have reached a point at which it does not control or understand the legal environment it has created. And, activity at the Supreme Court may not be providing outcomes that are conducive to a stable society . . . is it law for the sake of the profession . . . without consideration of the majority? If so, what will occur . . . a state of the minority opinion . . . turning societal mores and beliefs upside down? In today’s terms, it appears to be a game of Survivor where the weak eliminate the strong.

Internationally, taking it as the world turns: Korea is still a major powder keg; China is increasingly challenging its Pacific neighbors over territorial rights; Philippines conflict with southern territories has temporarily subsided with acquiescence of economic control to the rebels; South-east Asia is in turmoil over immigration into Australia; the entire area from India thru Africa is in a state of clandestine or open warfare; Europe from Italy thru the United Kingdom is experiencing major internal strife resulting from immigration, dictatorial governments and political corruption; Scandinavia is beginning to reject support for immigration; South America is in flux over the drug trade and dictatorial regimes; Mexico is a failed state, period; the United States is anything but united for all the reasons in the preceding paragraph.

What are the main drivers in the current national and international situation? And, is there evidence of resolution?

Main Drivers: Economics . . . the control of land and resources; people with skills to build economies; pursuit of personal and political power. Although statements regarding rights and freedom for individuals may be presented, they are a means of control in pursuit of economic ends and power. The robber barons of the day are more likely to be cooperating and coordinating political entities, elected or not.

Evidence of Resolution: Destabilization . . . resolution of one area in conflict in Korea, Philippines, China, South-East Asia, India thru Africa, Europe, Netherlands, South America, Mexico and the United States requires the majority to relinquish to the minority opinion and interest (as in ownership). The more liberal (socialist) appear to be striving for conservatism . . . and the conservative appear to be striving for socialism. Maybe the Polar Regions will also shift . . . and indeed the world will be standing on its head!

It is clear that the United States alone cannot prevent the clashing of forces. The question is can the United States protect its own turf in the future without the use of massive destructive force? The Future Forecast of 2014 and forward may be cloudy with showers to follow.

One issue is clear, the current situation is not one based on religious beliefs. However, it is one wherein the current robber barons may exploit for control. Are the robber barons wearing the cloak of socialism and religion falsely?

Future Forecast: 2013

Final Update:

Are President Obama’s stated objectives in the State of the Union Address achievable? Yes, however, not by any means pursued by any administration since 1974.

The sequester is a subset of the fiscal cliff. As President Obama has stated, it’s a “complex” situation.

However, it may not be as complex as thought. It may be straight-forward and the complexity may be the mental manipulation attempted to ignore the obvious. Procrastinators and addicts are always looking for an alternative to get the next fix for whatever their habit may be.

Economist Richard Wolf appeared on the Bill Moyers Show and discussed capitalism hits the fan. Identified as central to the current economic situation are two camps of economists; those employed by essentially unproductive entities such as government, and those employed by businesses that must produce a profit. A similar association regarding economists was discussed on the Ken Prewitt show on 2/25/2013.

Essentially the discussion is this:

Economists employed by government entities have little commercial experience and rarely suffer consequences for incorrect projections. Economists employed by commercial businesses must produce fairly accurate projections as profitability in operations can only be achieved through a balance of market demand and supply produced by their businesses.

Economists in the government sector are frequently inaccurate, and the timing and direction of their projections can be wishful and years-off. Missing projections can have a significant impact on decisions made by business to invest or disinvest.

Economists in the commercial sector are usually more accurate out of a necessity for the business to survive and profit. Missing projections by a few pennies per share on a quarterly earnings report can move the value of the stock down markedly.

How do the two camps differ in interpreting data:

Government economists receive relatively historical (dated) information. Reports to the government are essentially from external entities, and may be on employment, sales and revenues based on daily, weekly, monthly and annual basis. Government generally fails to report accurately or timely on internal activities.

Commercial economists can receive real-time reports on their business activities and adjust as needed. They also use the same external reports government receives to assess the impact of government and competitors business, labor and other resource availability in making decisions.

Review of the current problem through definition and a graphical example:

1). The Federal Reserve has a normal function of controlling growth in the economy to between 3-4% annually. This range is expected to provide for limited inflation in the gross domestic product (GDP) while at the same time providing additional tax revenues to support government programs.

Maintaining a 3-4% growth rate in a normally balanced economy is achieved by varying the interest rates through the availability of money for lending in the banking system.

2). Unfortunately the economy can vary between expansion and contraction and tax revenues will also vary. However, government budgets are based on expansion at the tops in GDP growth. Declining tax revenues occur when the GDP contracts. This is a normal business cycle effect.

Contraction of revenues creates a shortfall in funds available to support previously passed legislation. The net effect is to cause government to borrow to close the gap. The result then becomes a compounded rate producing an ever growing deficit.

3). The abnormal and artificial growth rate in GDP achieved as a result of the Clinton administration’s actions of locking U.S. trade changes to the world trade organization (WTO) via the permanent normal trade relation (PNTR) with China, wildly inflated the rate of GDP growth.

This action significantly increased the sum of tax revenues available for long-term commitment to government programs. Since this growth rate was based on sub-prime borrowing, it could not continue indefinitely, and severe contraction in GDP and tax revenues followed.

The net effect was to significantly increase the compounded rate of government borrowing to cover previously passed legislation. The deficit had expanded beyond ability of GDP and tax revenues to overcome.

Graphic: CBO – Revenues and Outlays as a percent GDP

Comment on the chart. For the period of 1974 – projected 2021 average outlays exceed average revenues. The exception being the period of 1996 – 2004, during the period of boom and bust in the housing market (sub-prime lending), the failure of which caused the collapse of the economy.

Note 1: Locking the U.S. to the WTO prevented the Bush administration, and now the Obama administration from taking decisive action regarding trade inequities. The result is $20 Trillion lost in GDP and $10 Trillion lost in tax revenues.

Note 2: Over ten million jobs have been lost over this action. When the cost of unemployment insurance, food stamps and other assistance is added to the price of imported goods and services, the total cost of imports well exceeds the cost of domestically produced goods and services.

Some will say that total exports have increased significantly. Yes, this is true. However, the trade gap continues at nearly $500 Billion annually, which equates to a loss of $2 Trillion in domestic GDP and $1 Trillion in lost tax revenue.

In this respect, the Clinton economy was a myth.

Refer also to:

For a complete and confusing definition of the fiscal cliff

Future Forecast: 2012

The 2012 forecast is the result of an assessment of the economic environment. The forecast can be viewed as a report card on progress over the past three years with varying degrees of success. Possible scenarios for the coming twelve months and beyond will certainly challenge all the professional skills of leaders in business, government and academia.

Business as usual will not suffice. With President Kennedy it was a race to the moon. The coming challenge could well require an effort many times that expended in the race to the moon, and in a shorter time span. To put it in terms many understand . . . final exams are tomorrow morning and the students have yet to look under the cover of the textbook.

Did someone say: “We’ll have to pass it to find out what’s in it?” Just saying . . . “Leadership is an essential element in every major effort” . . . just saying.

Future of the U.S. and the Economy – 2012

Think it over . . .

Nations with a successful economy also have a strong science, engineering and manufacturing base for commercial purposes.

The definition of a successful nation is one that can provide economic growth, control raw materials sources, and project power to prevent or reverse incursions by a major nation, group of nations, or a variety of terrorist organizations.

Merely having a limited manufacturing capability and relying on imports does not provide real economic growth. Additionally, it limits a nation’s independence by forcing it to rely on a show of force, in place of a mutual understanding the capability exists. A limited nation will always have the need to make force visible, thereby ensuring confrontation.

There are three main levels of consideration:

1. Science and engineering professions to perform the necessary research activities and resultant designs for industry; and

2. The necessary source of raw materials to support research, and build the capital equipment required for research labs and factories; and

3. The transportation and logistics infrastructure to move the raw materials from their source to the factories and then to the markets.

Understood and Acknowledged:

Level one (1) is clearly a major concern and discussed daily by business, government and academia.

Level two (2) is severely impacted in a negative way. With reliance on the import of finished products, raw materials are moving to exporting nations for manufacture. Control of raw material sources has been lost by the U.S. In many instances, this loss has been to nations who do not have the best interest of the U.S. in mind.

Level three (3) is severely impacted in a negative way. Without the need to move raw materials to factories, or finished product from the factories to the markets, the transportation and logistics infrastructure has been seriously diminished.


a. It is the transportation and logistics infrastructure that create the need for, and provide the funding for roads, railroads, airports, waterways, pipelines and the manufacture of equipment required to support and maintain them.

b. The loss of employment in levels 1-3 has resulted in negative income from taxes and fees for the various levels of government to provide infrastructure and public services.

Systems for designing and producing consumer products provide the training ground for scientists and engineers to hone the knowledge and skills necessary to support medicine, space and national defense.

Regarding professional knowledge, the level of expertise necessary to develop support for medicine, space exploration and national defense is of a significantly higher degree than that of consumer products and enhance the development of consumer products.

The Far East is becoming the major center of science, engineering, raw material accumulation, and manufacturing of consumer products. The next natural and historical phase for the Far East is building a successful military to project power internationally.

The result for the U.S. economy has, and will continue to be, further devaluation of the currency, loss of international influence, and less productive activity for citizens of a socialist society dependent on government support . . . support for which there is a diminishing source of revenue.

The cycle of power can be traced in sequence form the Far East . . . Middle East . . . Europe . . . U.S. . . . and now the cycle appears to be repeating.

The big questions are:

Will the new power base of the Far East respect the territory of the U.S.?

Will they project an adversarial relationship as they have throughout history?

Will the U.S. pay ransom through extended military aid?

In the interim . . . while waiting the military expansion of the Far East, the U.S. economy may become more like that of France. More service sector jobs with less real income, higher levels of underemployment, and lower levels of knowledge and skill requirements.

* The current underemployment scenario may actually be the normal as the U.S. becomes more of a Socialist culture.

For a clear understanding of the current situation, refer to supporting posts under the “New Rules” Category: