There is a tested and proven, logical hierarchy, to the development of, and resolution of, problems, within complex issues and systems.
Complex Issues and Systems Examples:
Climate Change - Financial Crisis - Cause of Poverty - Telecommunications Systems - Transportation Systems - Operating Rooms - Space Vehicles
Analysis and Resolution Techniques: Issues and systems are sets of interconnected things, or parts, forming a complex whole. A set of principles or procedures according to which something is done; an organized scheme or method. Designing and developing services and products with the application of flow charts, algorithms, statistics, failure mode effects and criticallity analysis (FMECA), fault tree analysis (FTA), artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML)
The Scientific Method:
At first blush (as a first impression), the scientific method may seem a little over the top for some issues and systems development activities. However, this method has ordered procedures, which ultimately lead to successful completion in the shortest time, with the least cost in terms of time and money. And, is equally adaptable to issues and systems.
Further Elaboration:
Complex defines issues and systems consisting of many different and connected parts. Complex is synonymous with terms: compound, composite and multiplex.
Complex issues and systems have “Objectives” which have well defined qualities and outcomes, in that they are NOT influenced by personal feelings or opinions in considering and representing facts.
Complex objectives are well-defined, planned and coordinated activities in issues and systems development, support, management and use. The supporting foundation of complex issues and systems are professional fields of study, including biology, chemistry, engineering, mathematics, psychology, physics, human and tectological interface . . . and more.
Whatever the issues or systems under consideration are, they are managed by a hierarchy referred to as the Strategic Management System. Government and education are external influences acting on the process and can either support or distract from successful completion of the process.
Complicated also defines issues and systems consisting of many different parts that may or may not be connected in a logical sequence. Complicated can be synonymous with terms: complex, intricate, involved, convoluted, tangled, impenetrable, tricky, bewildering, perplexing.
Complicated issues and systems are frequently “Subjective” in that they are based on personal feelings, tastes and opinions. Complicated issues and systems have multiple parts or groups of varied professional fields, which MAY influence one another without well-defined, planned and coordinated activities.
Confusion is a state of uncertainty generally caused by “Middle” participants in a connected or disconnected system. Confusion can be synonymous with terms: mix up, confused, muddled, messed up, and snarled
Successful completion of objectives is best accomplished by applying well-defined, planned and coordinated activities.
The Scientific Method is adaptable to both complex and complicated issues and systems.
Confusion occurs when multiple groups are tasked with working on the same issue or design and development activities, and NOT using a coordinated process.
Confusion can also result when pursuing personal career objectives. Inability to acquire timely, relevant and accurate information can result in indecision and procrastination.
Confusion results in halted or reversed progress.
Ensure complex issues and systems activities have clear, well-defined objectives, are planned and coordinated between all participating groups throughout the systems development, support, management and use cycle.
This applies equally, to pursuit of small to large complex issues and systems, and personal career objectives.