When performing observations, and evaluating outcomes of occurrences, be they related to things, ideas and concepts or actions of individuals or groups; observations frequently demonstrate interacting components forming a system.
That is to say, people interact with things and other people, and express ideas and concepts between them as a system.
Yes, even things in the form of technology provide feedback which affects the interaction of things, people, and groups as systems.
The question that must be asked "are ethics within systems normal, abnormal, or manipulated in some way?"
For the purpose of definition, change is always ongoing and the requirement is to perform and evaluate observations, make changes, and perform follow-up evaluations on the changes in an effective manner. This may be challenging.
The following list is intended to be a thumbnail sketch . . . not the most complete, or last word on the subject.
Can you handle the truth? That is a big question. How can we determine what the truth is? Observation is necessary to begin the process, and the following steps may be helpful in reaching the truth.
Step 1 Observe:
Determine . . . the who, what, where, and when of the activity observed. Avoid developing an opinion of the activity.
Step 2 Report:
Discuss and record your observations with other persons observing the same activity. Do all agree that the activity reported occurred? Do not form an opinion at this time.
Step 3 Evaluate:
Begin the process of defining what occurred and how it occurred. Can participants accurately agree to . . . the what and how of the activity observed.
Step 4 Explain:
Persons observing the activity develop an unbiased explanation of the cause of the what and how of the activity. Once again do not form an opinion of the activity observed.
Step 5 Opinion:
Compare the activity as explained to historical, cultural expectations and laws. At this point, an opinion may be developed regarding the activity observed.
The process of making changes and follow-on evaluation of changes to determine the effectiveness occurs at this point. This may become a fast or slow circulating process based on the normal cycle of the subject or system under consideration.
Rarely, except for emotionally charged issues, does the issue under observation progress to the next step without allowance for the normal process of observation, change, and evaluation to occur. It is essentially a runaway emotional issue that needs to cool down for normal processing to occur.
Step 6 Attitude:
Developing an outward verbal, physical or emotional expression regarding the activity observed.
1. Frequently individuals and groups fail to complete the process steps and go straight from observation to an inappropriate expression of attitude based on group influences.
2. In most cases involving courtroom testimony, a majority of witnesses fail to observe and record activities clearly and are easily manipulated as to how and when activities occurred.
Outcome Examples:
Example 1. Regarding the economy, unemployment, and international trade:
The residing president is frequently assigned responsibility for the issues of the day. Further analysis of the facts by following the above process will demonstrate that current economic conditions occur over decades and are addressed in the “New Rules ”category on The Future Guide.
Example 2. Regarding groups of individuals demonstrating on behalf of a political community or international issue:
When interviewed by the media many participants can’t identify or explain the issue for which they are providing support. Too frequently they are expressing an “attitude” without a rational opinion. The expression is more reflective of tyranny than democracy.
Example 3. Media influence becomes propaganda and shields the public from the truth:
Intentional or not, this frequently ensures failed public officials continue on and principled public officials are forced from office. Far too often public policy, legislation, and budgeting address the symptom of problems and not the cause. The result is problems continue on without resolution and serve as bargaining chips during the funding of political campaigns.